Application Guide Without Service Fee Guide you how to apply for studying in Guangdong Ocean University & Study in gdou

Undergraduate Programs

1. Aquaculture

2. Marine Fisheries Science and Technology

3. Aquatic Animal Medicine

4. Bioscience

5. Food Science and Engineering

6. Food Quality and Safety

7. Bioengineering

8. Atmospheric Science

9. Applied Meteorology

10.  Marine Science

11.  Animal Science

12.  Veterinary Medicine

13.  Horticulture

14.  Landscape Architecture

15.  Forestry

16.  Biotechnology

17.  Agronomy

18.  Machine Design Manufacturing and Automation

19.  Material Forming and Control Engineering

20.  Mechatronic Engineering

21.  Energy and Power Engineering

22.  Industrial Design

23.  Industrial Engineering

24.  Building Environment and Energy Engineering

25.  Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

26.  Harbor, Channel and Coastal Engineering

27.  Engineering Management

28.  Communications and Transportation

29.  Marine Electrical and Electronic Engineering

30.  Marine Engine Engineering

31.  Navigation Technology

32.  Information and Computer Science

33.  Computer Science and Technology

34.  Software Engineering

35.  Engineering of Internet of things

36.  Information Management and Information System

37.  Data Science and Big Data Technology

38.  Electronic Science and Technology

39.  Electronic Information Engineering

40.  Automation

41.  Electrical Engineering and Automation

42.  Communication Engineering

43.  Marine Technology

44.  Pharmaceutical Engineering

45.  Applied Chemistry

46.  Agricultural Resources and Environment

47.  Environmental Science

48.  Agricultural Resources and Environment

49.  Economics

50.  International Economics and Trade

51.  Economics and Finance

52.  Public Affairs Management

53.  Public Administration

54.  Land Resources Management

55.  Business Administration

56.  Accounting

57.  Financial Management

58.  Tourism Management

59. Chinese Language and Literature

60.  Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages

61.  Secretarial Science

62.  Journalism

63.  Editing and Publishing

64.  Law

65.  Politics and Administration

66.  Sociology

67.  English

68.  Japanese

69.  Music

70.  Choreography

71.  Fine Arts

72.  Performance

73.  Visual Communication Design

74.  Environmental Design

75.  Clothing and Apparel Design

76.  Product Design

77.  Techniques of Broadcasting & Anchoring

78.  Guidance and Management of Social Sports

79.  Leisure Sports

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